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Truth vs Fact

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Truth vs fact, what is the difference?

Definition of fact (Merriam-Webster)

asomething that has actual existence //space exploration is now a fact

ban actual occurrence //prove the fact of damage

2a piece of information presented as having objective reality //These are the hard facts of the case.

3the quality of being actual ACTUALITY a question of fact hinges on evidence

4a thing done: such as

aCRIME accessory after the fact

b: archaic ACTION

c: obsolete FEAT


in fact

in truth



\ˈtrüth  \
plural truths\ ˈtrüt͟hz ,  ˈtrüths \

Definition of truth (Merriam-Webster)

(Entry 1 of 2)

1a(1)the body of real things, events, and facts ACTUALITY

(2)the state of being the case FACT

(3)often capitalized a transcendent fundamental or spiritual reality

ba judgment, proposition, or idea that is true or accepted as truetruths of thermodynamics

cthe body of true statements and propositions

athe property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality

b: chiefly British TRUE sense 2

cfidelity to an original or to a standard

asincerity in action, character, and utterance


4: capitalizedChristian Science GOD

in truth

in accordance with fact ACTUALLY

Based on the definitions above; fact and truth are synonyms. The world does not see a difference between the word fact and the word truth. The world thinks just because people are stating facts; that it is the truth. It is NOT the truth. There is an issue with that thought process. Going on the definition of the world; I am going to give an example. Let’s say there is a group of people gathered in one place. An incident happens in the middle of the group. Based on the persons seeing the incident and their thought process; the answers you get will vary. Another example is in a marriage that has been broken and in court for divorce. When the man and the woman goes to court; the judge will get different stories, even tough the husband and wife have been living together for a period of time. Why? Yes, the husband and wife have been living together but they are different people. They have different receptive processes and they have different ways of seeing things.

That’s why I love God’s definition of truth. God sees facts, but that doesn’t change who he is. The bible declares that he is the same yesterday, today and forever. Hebrews 13:8 King James Version (KJV)

Jesus said,” I am the way, the truth and the life…”John 14:6 King James Version (KJV)

According to the Word of God the truth is a Word, the living Word, whose name is Jesus Christ. John 1 King James Version (KJV)

So, what does it mean? It means that God’s definition of truth is more than a word. Truth is a person. Truth’s name is Jesus Christ. Truth is true under every and all circumstances, situations etc. Truth does not change based on the person. Your background can not change truth or alter truth. Hallelujah!!! This is awesome news for all of us. God is no respecter of persons. God loves all of us.

When there is a situation that has been concerning you and you can’t get it off your mind. You can’t sleep at night. You’ve done all you can, in your own strength, then finally you decide to give it to God. You’ve prayed about it and it seems like nothing is happening. Keep praying because God is moving in the background. Also you need to speak to that thing that’s bothering you. Don’t only speak about it, speak to it.

Mark 11:23 King James Version (KJV)

23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

The fact is, something is concerning you and yes you can see it. What does God say about it in his word. What God says about your specific situation is the truth. Don’t allow the facts to cry out louder than the truth. Don’t get me wrong; facts can scream loud. Notice I said the truth, not your truth.
My family and I are in transition. It means we do not have our own place at this time. Thank God we are staying with someone now, but we were living in my car for 7 months. Little to no way of getting food. No extra clothes. Two adults, two kids, two dogs and a turtle were in a crossover vehicle, surviving. The facts said to me,” you have no food and no way of feeding the kids or pets”. The word said,”I have not seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread”. Psalm 37:25 King James Version (KJV)
I spoke those words over and over and over, even with tears in my eyes and my stomach growling. The facts like to scream, but we have to get to a place where the word of God tells it,” shut up”. What I’m telling you is, it might hurt. Your mind might tell you, your stomach is empty. Let the Holy Spirit in you speak. Remember you are fighting to establish the Word of God (truth) over your circumstance (facts).
Be blessed everyone. I hope you not only learned something, but are also encouraged.
God loves you and so do we.
If you are lead to give, we thank you for doing so.


My name is Sharon. I am an advocate for empowering people. I am also a registered nurse for 9 years. I have one child, Leyla, who is 9 years old. " You're Worth It Foundation", is a faith based organization. Our goal is to provide hope and encouragement. Our aim is to encourage single moms in aiming higher for themselves and their children. We provide homes for our families. We also do different events to help in the community. With passion, prayer and a firm foundation of faith in Jesus Christ, we can do all things. Together, we can change the world.

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