Paid In Full

Hey everyone, this is going to be a short post. But, I think people need to hear this, today. Satan tried to cash you in, but God said," Your check is no good here." While I was thinking about some things in my life; I remembered how God saved me through my mother's prayers. Many years ago, I was in an ungodly relationship. I was in sin. I was in a relationship with a man; I was not married to. I know the way life is now people do not see a problem with that. With God there is a…

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Patience and Trust

Before I started writing this post, I went back to read one of my other posts about trust. I have been leaning on God for several years now. God have asked me to trust in him in all things. Well, after several years now being saved and Holy Spirit filled; flesh still fights against the Spirit. Do to the fact that I have been self reliant for such a long time, I found that I struggled daily with trust and patience. Just to let you know that patience (waiting on God) is part of trusting him. Now I was not…

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Isaiah 5:20 King James Version (KJV) 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 2 Timothy 3 King James Version (KJV) 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:…

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Returning To My First Love

Who is my first love? That is a question many people might ask themselves. For several days I have been feeling those words resonate in my spirit. "It's time to return to your first love." Coming from the scriptures; I know my first love is my Heavenly Father (Abba). Yes, I'm talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and us. Jeremiah 1:5 King James Version (KJV) 5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Isaiah 44 King James…

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Time to “Rest”, Part 2

From part 1, we saw what rest means and we saw that the seventh day is a Holy day and a day of satisfaction.  But a day can not make us holy. Holiness comes through a relationship with God in the old testament and through Christ Jesus in the new testament. And both the old and new testaments leads us to God the Father. It was a struggle in the old testament because of the flesh of man. The scriptures states in Romans 8:3-8 (KJV)  3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh,…

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Why Go?

Many times, if not all the time, God sends us to do an assignment. Many of us delay it or just not do it. There can be many reasons why but it all comes down to fear. We might say that it is not fear, but the root of most Christians reluctance, is fear. The first thing we have to do is pray to the Lord to reveal it to us. Expose the spirit of fear for what it is. Ask the Lord to help you out come it. Remember we was not given the spirit of fear but of…

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And None Should Lack…

As we can see in the book of Acts chapters 4 and 5; there was a time when the people of God did not lack. No not one of them lacked anything. Everyone had all they needed for their family. God wants us to this today for each other, but there other things at play today. One of the reasons why we are not able to reach that point of no lack; people in the body of Christ are selfish. When God tells us to do certain things, we ask God what about me. Have you ever asked God that…

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Leviticus 25 Have you ever read a scripture and it came alive to you? You were not just reading it, but it leapt off the pages and became real; as real as the skin on your hands. As real as the clothes on your body. It became so real, it was supernatural. When we read Leviticus 25, it was an amazing, wonderful, supernatural revelation. It was ordered by God at the right season and right on time. We have lost many things in our lives because we were not ready for them. Many things have been stolen from us because…

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Without Prayer, I Can…

Without prayer, I can do nothing. I have been through some trying times since I made the decision to follow God. People see me as strange because I care so much for others. Some people feel like other people do not deserve the love we choose to give. But I am here to say we all deserve and need love as human beings. Without prayer, I would not know how to love others. Because without prayer, I wouldn't know how to love myself. I disliked so many things about myself. I didn't know why people said I was a nice…

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Show Me!

Many women today are in relationships that are "dead-end roads". If you are in a relationship where the man tells you that he loves you and does not show it; then you need to do something about it. Also take note this goes for men that are in a relationship with a woman too. A loving relationship does not have you arguing everyday. Everyday will not be perfect, but it does not have you in turmoil most of the time. We have met many women that say they are in a loving relationships. But they also follow-up with the man…

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Read more about the article Are We Really Saved?
Crucify the Flesh

Are We Really Saved?

It has been brought up to my attention that many people in the church community have different beliefs about being saved. Some Christians believe, once they accept Jesus Christ into their lives, they are saved immediately. Those Christians, like me, believe that Jesus blood has washed the sins away and our names are written in the Lambs book of life. I was naïve to believe this was a consensus across the board for all Christians. Speaking to some Christians, I found out that some believe they are still working towards being saved. The scripture that is popularly used by these…

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Do I Really Trust You?

In the bible we see many scriptures about trusting and believing God. Having faith in God and knowing without a doubt that he hears our prayers and will answer them. If we say we believe in God; why is it so hard for us to trust him? If you have a digital bible; I want you to type in the search box, "trust", "believe", "faith" and read all those scriptures. We will find out that the blessings of God manifested in the natural, stems from the words above. Well, God has called me out as he has called many before…

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