Paid In Full

Hey everyone, this is going to be a short post. But, I think people need to hear this, today. Satan tried to cash you in, but God said," Your check is no good here." While I was thinking about some things in my life; I remembered how God saved me through my mother's prayers. Many years ago, I was in an ungodly relationship. I was in sin. I was in a relationship with a man; I was not married to. I know the way life is now people do not see a problem with that. With God there is a…

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A Kingdom Divided

[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]One of the plans of the Enemy (Satan) is to cause confusion in the church. Satan has been around for many years; even before the restoration of the Earth, in the book of Genesis. The scriptures state that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Satan knows God never goes against his word. Satan tries to use that against God, but he isn't going to win. Satan knows he's not going to win, but that's not going to stop him from trying. God is a master "chess" player, who never looses. The scriptures states in Matthew 12:25 that…

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Time to “Rest”, Part 2

From part 1, we saw what rest means and we saw that the seventh day is a Holy day and a day of satisfaction.  But a day can not make us holy. Holiness comes through a relationship with God in the old testament and through Christ Jesus in the new testament. And both the old and new testaments leads us to God the Father. It was a struggle in the old testament because of the flesh of man. The scriptures states in Romans 8:3-8 (KJV)  3 For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh,…

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