Are We Really Equal?

The first question that has to be asked is; what does equal mean? Definition below by e·qual/ˈēkwəl/adjectiveadjective: equal 1.being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value."add equal amounts of water and flour"synonyms:identical, uniform, alike, like, the same, one and the same, equivalent, indistinguishable; Moreantonyms:unequal, different, more than, less than(of people) having the same status, rights, or opportunities.uniform in application or effect; without discrimination on any grounds."a dedicated campaigner for equal rights"synonyms:unbiased, impartial, nonpartisan, fair, fair-minded, just, even-handed, equitable;Moreantonyms:unequal, discriminatoryevenly or fairly balanced."it was hardly an equal contest"synonyms:evenly matched, evenly balanced, even, balanced, level, evenly proportioned, well matched, on a par, on an equal footing; Moreantonyms:uneven, unequal2.having the ability or resources to meet (a challenge)."the players proved equal to the task"synonyms:capable of, fit for, up to, good/strong enough for, adequate for, sufficient for, ready for;More…

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Many times we seek control over situations in our lives. It is good that we want to do things in our lives. We have aspirations and goals. We enjoy seeing a task or job completed. We get a feeling of satisfaction from completing things. But, what happens when the thing we want most seems so big and so vast that we become overwhelmed? What happens when we have done everything we can think of and see no progress? What happens when we run out of solutions? What happens if it's simply just not working out? There is an answer to…

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