Which Homeowner Opportunity Best Fits You and Your Family?
*Disclaimer* All information for all companies listed are subject to change at anytime. You're Worth It Foundation Inc is in no way affiliated with the other companies on this page. This page is for information purposes ONLY. Please check companies own websites for in-depth information.

You're Worth It Foundation Inc
- Main phone # 786-509-8280 for You’re Worth It Foundation Inc.
- On time payment reward system for renters
- Nondiscriminatory (every family should be given the chance to own a home)
- Faith based organization (Christianity). BASED ON DONATIONS.
- Create win-win solutions to housing needs
- Established 2014
- Independent organization
- Restore properties, rent-to-own
- 0% interest
- Application to move-in 30 days to 90 days.
- We Give you a hand up, do NOT give hand outs
- 200 hours of volunteer service with You’re Worth It Foundation (offer volunteer opportunities for special needs)
- 30% of gross monthly income (includes property taxes, rent and insurance)*rent payment does not include renters insurance( partners personal properties in and on property.
- Minimum wage accepted (based on full time work)
- Set and fixed income accepted (based on minimum wage monthly gross income)
- First, last and security required before move in (based on 30% of gross monthly income)
- Section 8 accepted
- Rent reevaluations done yearly
- Can be evicted due to nonpayment
- Able to purchase home at anytime at market value
- Home size based on family dynamics (limit FMV $205,000 for rent to own.)
- Partner pays own light and water bills
- Can NOT add on when renting the home
- Children of same gender share rooms
- Location varies
- Qualification Requirements
-permanent residency, citizenship
- Need for decent home
- Able to pay rent
- Willing to be a partner
- Make home visit to verify need
- Check credit history (not used for rent to own disqualification)
- Check background (not used to disqualify partner)
- 6 months-1 year of steady income
- No minimum credit score
- Program requirements
-Budgeting and saving classes (proof required) must finish all class before moving in.
-First time home buyer class.
-Home maintenance courses (hands on and classes)
- No transportation provided to get to site and no childcare given to do volunteer hours
- Make your own copies of personal documents
- Must physically live on property
- Enables families to rent until able to purchase home
- Rent is transferable to another YWIFI property (adjustments to payments will be done prior to moving, based on availability, payment history and digression of YWIFI)
- Partner/ homeowner will pay their own taxes, insurance and HOA fees once they own the home
- Partner is required to maintain yard once purchased(any citations acquired for lack of maintenance is partner’s responsibility)
- Random property checks are done through out renting to own period (minimum of 24 hour notice given)
- Allow pets (additional fees applied at the expense of partner/ renter)
- Can not keep non working vehicles on property during renting period (towing based on home location and city)
- Main phone #1-800-422-4828 for Habitat for Humanity
- Non discriminatory
- Serve ALL types of households and families
- Faith based organization (Christianity)
- Helps families escape substandard housing
- International headquarters Atlanta, Georgia
- Established 1981
- Operates Independently (not government owned)
- Non transferable (can not start application in one state and continue application process in another state)
- Enable families to build and buy affordable houses
- Builder and lender
- 0% interest loans
- 0% annual percentage rate(APR) home loan
- application process takes up to 3 months
- 12 to 24 months for home to be built or remodeled
- Build with and not for families (you are part of the building process)
- Have volunteer opportunities for individuals with special needs
- $2,000 closing cost
- 0% down payment
- No more than 30 % of gross monthly income [includes: property taxes, insurance, home owner association fees(HOA) and mortgage]
- Once approved mortgage will not change after sale
- Taxes, insurance, homeowner association fees(HOA) fluctuates over time.
- Does foreclose for non payment
- Sell at market value at time of sale
- Can sell home at anytime with restriction [homeowner receives appreciation of home, based on the market value at time of current sale price]
-greater than 20 years living in home, you receive 100% of market value at resale
-16 to 20 years living in home, you receive 75% of market value at time of resale
-11 to 15 years living in home, you receive 50% of market value at time of resale
-6 to 10 years living in home, you receive 25% of market value at time of resale
-1 to 5 years living in home , you receive 0% of market value at time of resale
- Habitat can purchase home back
- You do not choose the type of house if preapproved (includes: condo, town homes, duplexes, multiplexes and single family homes)
- Builds 1 to 5 bedrooms
- You do NOT choose size, Habitat chooses based on family size and make-up
- Can not add on to homes due to property lines, easements and city rules.
- Builds 900 to 1300 square feet for new homes
- Few extra and small bedrooms to keep down cost
- 2 children of the same gender share rooms
- Stove, refrigerator, washer , dryer and dishwasher provided mostly
- 1 full bathroom and a half bath is standard
- No garage, car port , basement, or usable attic
- Location varies
- No custom houses
- Not for everyone
- Has program criteria
-First time homebuyer (hasn’t own home in the past 3 years and if you live in a trailer home)
-Residency of United States or citizen or permanent resident
-Need of decent housing
-Ability to pay
-Willingness to partner
- Visit home of applicants
- Household median income between 30%-60% of area median income
- Satisfactory credit history ( debt, collections and judgement)
- Income has to be documented
- Income has to be predictable and lasting (2 years of steady income)
- Background checks ( negative background does not automatically disqualify applicant)
- No minimum credit score required
- No bankruptcy for the last 3 years
- 300 to 500 hours of “sweat” equity
-300 hours for remodeled homes
-500 hours for new homes
- Preapproved home works education
-Budgeting and financial management classes
-Home maintenance
-Homeowner association classes
-Tax management
- No childcare or transportation provided
*Application process*
- Application meetings and open application rounds are 3 to 4 weeks
- Application process workshops
- Application process deadline has to be met
- Financial reviews which includes income and credit (which can qualify or disqualify you)
- Home visit interviews
- Family selection committee (which can qualify or disqualify you)
- Make your own copies of personal documentations
- 1-800-569-4287 for HUD approved counselor
- Main office phone # 202-708-1112
- TTY# 202-708-1455
- established 1934
- Targets first time home buyer
- 3.5% minimum down payment (encourages higher down payments if able) available on 1 thru 4 unit properties
- Finance mobile homes and factory built housing
- 2 loan products ( land owners and mobile home owners)
- Closing cost can be paid by seller (up to 6%)
- 1 time mortgage insurance premium can be rolled into home loan which is 1.75 %. (can be paid out of pocket)
- Interest rate based on amount of loan and credit score
- Government backed (no early pay off penalty)
- 620 credit score required for max of 96.5% financing
- Any single family home, town home or approved condo
- Checks history for foreclosures, bankruptcies, short sales (regardless of credit score)
- Co-signers are allowed (cosigner does not have to occupy the home)
- Home mortgage fixed rate loans can be 15 years, 30 years etc.
- Low cash reserves required; compared to most conventional home loans (ok, to have little cash saved in bank)
- LTV- loan to value
- MIP- mortgage insurance premium
- BPS- base points
- Student loans affects debt to income ratio (if you haven’t made any payment on student loan, 2% of student loan total WILL be added to your debt to income ratio)
- Over the phone pre approval or denial of home loan
- Tax return and bank statement and pay history is required for the past 2 years
- Same day pre approval or denial of home loan (by phone)
- Gift funds up to 2 units, NOT units 3 and up.
*Loan limit cap for Miami Dade County, Fort Lauderdale and West palm Beach ( example below)
-Single Family Home- $345,000
-Duplex (2 units)-$441,650
-Triplex (3 units)-$533,850
-Fourplex (4 units)-$663,450