All Things Work For The Good…
Over a month ago, I took my daughter to the Dollar Tree. She bought a chap-stick. Well, unbeknownst to me; while at church, I used said chap-stick. My lips started feeling itchy. I didn’t pay attention. While engaged in the sermon by Apostle Leroy McDowell, I did want to miss anything. I did not realize that the itchy feeling was actually my skin burning. My lips turned black, mostly lower lip. I put Vaseline on it, but I was not comfortable with the Vaseline. I tend to lick my lips often, so I was basically eating the Vaseline. Which also meant that when I had the Dollar Tree chap-stick on; I was probably eating that too.
Well I had to eventually end up in the Emergency Room at Jackson North. The doctor had to give me Benadryl, Protonix and Steroids. The taste buds on my tongue was damaged and lost some ability to taste. My soft palate and throat was swollen. I do not have allergies. The doctor said “I want to see the chapstick.” Unfortunately, my daughter lost the chapstick so I was not able to take it with me.
Now the good news. I asked my pastor to pray for me. The sides of my mouth split open. I was looking like the Joker, in the movies. The pain and continuous burning made it extremely difficult to open my mouth.
After my Pastor prayed for me, he said,”maybe you need to use some of those natural products.” He had no idea what he said. I went and spoke with God about it. God gave me a formula to use. And that is when Origi~lus was born. People, when God says ALL things work together for the good of them that loves him. He meant it.