How do you help a people that want change, but doesn’t know who to trust or where to turn?
President & Founder

Number of Low-Income Households
- Economic security is out of reach for a growing number of working families in the United States ( U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey).
- Low-income working families rose from 10.4 million in 2011 to 46.7 million in 2014, representing 14.8 percent increase in poverty.
- Low-income working families as those earning less than twice the federal poverty line.
- Poverty rates increased for individuals with a bachelor’s degree or more, and for married couples..
Target Market
Low-Income families, which now includes middle class. Extremely low income families, are the most vulnerable and are in dire need.
Census data show that more than four years into the recovery from the Great Recession, poverty remains high—especially among women and children.
Income inequality is at record levels, with gains highly concentrated at the top of the income distribution. Yet since 2010 funding has decreased for more than 135 programs and rising
Our Advantage
We are a donation based company, and private organization.
We are a faith based organization that does NOT place priority on religion or ethnicity.
Small company. No bureaucracy. Evictions-no problem. Bad credit-no problem.
Allow parents and guardians to leave a legacy for their children.
Teach Parents and their children to take the proper steps to change their lives, through some of our ever evolving strategies.
Your Support
Your partnership allows home ownership goals to be reached, for low income families and extremely low income families.
Decreases the amount of abandon homes on the market, not bringing money back into the economy.
Aids over 714 thousand families off of public assistance or a reduction in public assistance needs (food stamps, section 8, cash assistance ).
Allows financial literacy to get to low income families; which in turn makes them an asset to the United States of America
What We Do
- Rent to own LOW income homes
- Budgeting
- Financial Literacy
- Good Housekeeping
- Rewards for paying for home ON TIME.