I’ll Fix Myself First

You're worth it part 5 If you're a person that is fed up. Have been let done over and over. It seems like  most of the people in your life have let you down, they do not keep their word. You are looking for that person who can make you happy. You feel like if you found a boyfriend/ girlfriend , your life would be better. And you find that boyfriend / girlfriend that can potentially be the "husband/ wife", but u find out; that he or she did not turn out the way you'd hope;they have let you down. If…

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Need a Job?

ALERT! All Registered Nurse Specialties (MS, TE, ICU, ER, IR-CATH, OR, IMCU, PCU, L&D, PICU) , all 12 hour shifts Miami FL! * 9 weeks- 4/17 or 4/28 start date (1 week of orientation, 8 weeks of floor work) * 48 hour work week scheduled , 48 hour work week guaranteed (Local Candidates will be considered!) * AMAZING PAY, Among the Highest Paying JOBS IN FLORIDA! * One of the Largest Hospitals in Miami FL Registered Nurse (48 hours/week Guaranteed, Must be committed for 9 weeks) Amazing Location Miami FL! Among Highest Paying Florida Travel Positions! (New Grads will not…

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What are some young adults going through?

Well, I spoke with some young women to see what they were going through; you know that age when you are no longer a child, but family do not see you as a real adult.  You might be 18-21, maybe up to 24 years of age; the fact is, things might not be working out the way you'd hope. Sometimes I have to admit, some young women act like they are still children, but there are some that act well beyond their years. Some young adult women list a couple of things: emotional abuse, low self-esteem, bullying, negative social media posts…

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Believe in Yourself

You’re worth it part 3 We have said in part 1 and part2, why you are worth it, from God’s perspective. Now you are going to find out why you are worth it, from Satan’s perspective. Satan knows you’re worth it. That’s why Satan will do everything possible he can think. He wants to distract you because Satan cannot do anything to you, unless you have allowed it both through welcoming him in knowingly and also through ignorance. (This is, not knowing the word of god through reading the bible, speaking to god, praying to god, basically a personal relationship…

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You’re Valuable

You’re worth it Before we let any person tells us how much we’re worth, we should ask ourselves. Why would God send his only begotten son for you? (John 3:16, 17) Jesus Christ came to save you because he knows that without a personal relationship with him, we are easily influenced by Satan. Let me tell you about Satan, he usually will not come to you with a bold face lie. He puts some truth in and adds mostly lies, so the meaning of the real truth can be twisted.  Satan even tried to fool Jesus. He told Jesus to…

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