Without Prayer, I Can…

Without prayer, I can do nothing. I have been through some trying times since I made the decision to follow God. People see me as strange because I care so much for others. Some people feel like other people do not deserve the love we choose to give. But I am here to say we all deserve and need love as human beings. Without prayer, I would not know how to love others. Because without prayer, I wouldn't know how to love myself. I disliked so many things about myself. I didn't know why people said I was a nice…

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Enough Is Enough

Sometimes we have dreams. We want things to be different But, how will it be until we say… enough is enough! We want our lives to change. We want it to change for the better. But, how will it be until we say… enough is enough! We want our children to listen But, we reward them for doing bad. We ask ourselves, when they will change. When we say… enough is enough! We have hopes We hope for this and we hope for that When will our hopes become a reality? When we get off our behinds and say ……

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Imagine Me!

Imagine me... A child that was lost; who did not belong A child that was unsure of who I am Imagine me... A child formed from dust; filled with selfish desires A child that wanted everything now, now, now Imagine me... A child that was made fun of A child that belittled themselves Imagine me... A child who was yet in sin; non the less, called by God A child not only called, but made to stand Imagine me.... A child that is not only made to stand, but to stand for something A child standing for the kingdom of…

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If Someone Prayed In the White House

If someone prayed in the White House, We would have a leader like David. Who was strong and fearless. If someone prayed in the White House, We would have a Secretary of Defense like Daniel. Who was quick, intelligent and foresaw disasters. If someone prayed in the White House, We would have a Department of Treasury like Solomon. Who was good with money and new exactly what and when to invest. If someone prayed in the White House, We would have a Vice President like Elisha. Who was trustworthy , faithful, and driven. IF we... IF we... If we were…

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Who Else?

Who else has loved me when I hated him and turned my back on him. Who else has loved me when I cursed his name for allowing my baby to die. Who else spoke to my heart to call me back home when I hated him. Who else has brought me to life when I was dying inside. Who else has put joy and peace in my heart when my mother passed away. Oh, the peace and the joy you give is like no other I have ever felt before now. Who else has strengthened me when I felt like…

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I Love You

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I created you male and female, I created you in my own image and likeness...Why? Because... I love you I give you dominion over the fish of the sea, foul of the air, cattle and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth... Why? Because...I love you I give YOU the power to thread on serpents and on scorpions and over all the power of the enemy...Why? Because...I love you I give you the gifts of miracles, prophecy, tongues, healing and many more...Why? Because...I love you I give you the ability to ask the father whatsoever you shall in my…

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Flee Satan Flee

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          I...I___________ Like Isaiah 44 states, my Lord has formed me from the womb, my Lord that maketh all things. I am formed and fashioned in my Lord's image and likeness, my Lord has blotted out, as a thick cloud my transgressions, they were returned unto him. My Lord has redeemed me. Flee Satan Flee Like James 4:7 states, I have submit myself to God, I will resist you Satan, and YOU Satan will flee from me. Like Ephesians1:5, I_________ have been adopted into Christ Jesus. When you come against me, like Romans 91, thousands shall…

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Speak Spirit Speak

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      I spoke life into existence speak spirit speak You are formed and fashioned in my likeness and image... so speak spirit speak Death and life are in my tongue and it is in yours...so speak spirit speak I have adopted you into my family and I am your king...so speak spirit speak All things in heaven and earth has been given unto me, now you can come boldly before the throne of God...so speak spirit speak Speak with humility, speak with love, speak with power and authority...just speak spirit speak Let the fruit of your lips glorify…

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Crucify the Flesh

I Am Free

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The scriptures in Galatians 3:13 reads, Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree. I AM REDEEMED! 1 Peter 2:24 reads, who in his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. I AM HEALED! John 19:30 reads, when Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and bowed his head, and gave up the ghost. WE ARE…

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