
Isaiah 5:20 King James Version (KJV) 20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! 2 Timothy 3 King James Version (KJV) 3 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof:…

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I Promise

Today I want to talk about the strength of promises or better known as covenants, in the bible. First, I want to touch on how serious God takes covenants (agreements, alliances, vows, promises or treaties and pledges). It is very important for us to notice from the Holy Scriptures the binding effects of promises (covenants). I will not cover all of them, but I will cover a few so we can get a firm understanding of promises and the implications of them. Genesis 18 New Living Translation (NLT) 10 Then one of them said, “I will return to you about this time…

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Read more about the article #Black Lives Matter
Carl Lumholtz: Tarahumara Woman Being Weighed, Barranca de San Carlos (Sinforosa), Chihuahua, 1892; from Among Unknown Tribes: Rediscovering the Photographs of Explorer Carl Lumholtz. The book includes essays by Bill Broyles, Ann Christine Eek, and others, and is published by the University of Texas Press.

#Black Lives Matter

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I am to blame for slavery. Yes, it is my fault. This post is a very controversial topic. Due to all the things that are going on in the world today; I feel like this is the best time to speak on this topic from the Holy Scriptures. Many people might not agree with what is written here and that is OK. The word of the Lord states to test every spirit. Behind everything, there IS a spirit. 1 John 4:1-5 King James Version (KJV) 4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many…

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Returning To My First Love

Who is my first love? That is a question many people might ask themselves. For several days I have been feeling those words resonate in my spirit. "It's time to return to your first love." Coming from the scriptures; I know my first love is my Heavenly Father (Abba). Yes, I'm talking about the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and us. Jeremiah 1:5 King James Version (KJV) 5 Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. Isaiah 44 King James…

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Many months ago as I was spending personal time with God; I asked him a question. I asked,"What's on your heart Father? What do you want to tell me?" Needless to say, God did not answer me right away. Later that night, he showed me.  I was in a dream. Imagine a street that looks like the letter "T". I was walking up the street. Just like the letter T; it intersected into another straight road. As I was walking up to the upcoming street; I saw something. It was an animal. The head and body looked like a crocodile…

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Prophetic Dream From The Lord

Above: Example of one of The Demons Hands The other day as I was out with my daughter doing some errands; I fell asleep in the garage of a building. I was taken immediately into a night vision. I will try my best to explain what I saw. In the dream, I was in a parking garage with my sister and my dad. It was like we'd just finished shopping. At the same time as I was going into the vehicle. I saw President Donald Trump. President Trump looked like he was behind a podium. He was speaking and I…

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A Kingdom Divided

[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]One of the plans of the Enemy (Satan) is to cause confusion in the church. Satan has been around for many years; even before the restoration of the Earth, in the book of Genesis. The scriptures state that God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Satan knows God never goes against his word. Satan tries to use that against God, but he isn't going to win. Satan knows he's not going to win, but that's not going to stop him from trying. God is a master "chess" player, who never looses. The scriptures states in Matthew 12:25 that…

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[siteorigin_widget class="WP_Widget_Media_Image"][/siteorigin_widget]I am a spirit. You are a spirit too. I am a spirit that has a soul and exists on the earth legally, in a body. How can I say, I am a spirit? Simply we are made in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:27). You might be asking , so how do we know that God is a spirit (John 4:24). We are made in their image and likeness, therefore we are spirits. The next question might be well how do you know we have a soul. According to Matthew 11:29; we have a soul. Matthew…

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Looking For A House?

Congress has failed to address the affordable housing crisis in the United States of America. Each year, Congress spends about $200 billion to help house American families. A full three-fourths of these resources go to help subsidize the homes of the richest families through the mortgage interest deduction and other homeownership tax benefits. We spend about $11 billion each year to subsidize the houses of the top 1% . This means that we provide more housing assistance to help the richest 7 million households – who earn more than $200,000 a year – than to help the 55 million households…

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Job Training For Youths 14-19

CareerSource South Florida assists youth and young adults between the ages of 14-21 to continue their education and training in order to advance their skills and pursue the best jobs possible. In-School and Out-Of-School programs are coordinated youth program partners. Some of the services offered through our Youth Programs include: comprehensive assessment and career guidance / planning, leadership development opportunities, life skills, work readiness training, work experience and internships. If you're a youth, you do not have to sit around and do nothing for the summer. Contact CareerSource of South Florida and they can help. Click here to go directly…

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We know! Why Aren’t We Doing Something About It?

According to The Miami Times and the Wall Street Journal, we know there is an increasing rise in unaffordable housing. We know that the cost of homes are increasing so much that more and more families can no longer afford homes. It use to only affect the low income, but now it has crept into middle class. How far do we have to go before we find a solution.  When we get to the point where young doctors and lawyers can no longer afford homes; you know there is a problem. Click on magazines names for full articles. Even if…

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Image by DuctTape Prodigy

It’s About Time!

You're Worth It Foundation have been to many meetings and have been pushing the understanding that there are issues with housing. Many times the small person gets looked over, even if they have a viable solution to a state wide issue. For several years, the decline in affordable housing has increase over the past 9 years, since the market bubble. 33,502 homeless people in Florida alone, not including the unreported individuals. There are several things that need to happen for a change to be made. First, society has to admit there is a problem as columnist Daniella Pierre has placed in…

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It’s Our Fault!

According to the Department of Children and Family(DCF), there were 33,502 reported homeless adults for the year 2016. Of the 33,502 reported adults, 19,326 were males and 10,707 females. There were also 36 Transgender persons reported. Contrary to common belief, Black /African Americans do NOT receive more assistance from DCF and are not the most homeless. There are 11,491 Blacks/ African Americans reported as homeless and 17,080 Classified Whites that are homeless. According to the National Public Radio(NPR), there were over 71,000 homeless students in Florida. According to RealtyTrac, Florida has an average foreclosure rate of 0.08%, which is higher…

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Need Mental Health or Substance Abuse Services?

  During one of our workshops we found a company that is passionate about helping families with mental health needs and substance abuse needs. Julian's House Foundation is available in Miami Dade and Monroe Counties. They believe, together we can make a difference. You're Worth It Foundation also believe that, so we have decided to make as many resources available to make stronger families and better homes. You do not have to fight this alone! Julian's House Click here to visit site.  

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Breast Self Exam- Fight Against Cancer

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We have included this guide for breast self exam. We encourage you to download on a laptop or desktop computer and print out. Cancer is taking many of us today. The first defense to fighting cancer is to acknowledge there is a problem and then to attack it early. PLEASE PRINT. We also thank University of Miami for giving us a tool that can be utilized by many people. According to the American Cancer Society; Over one and a half million new cancer cases are diagnosed each year. Cancer awareness is not only in October, but you can get it…

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