Looking For A House?

Congress has failed to address the affordable housing crisis in the United States of America. Each year, Congress spends about $200 billion to help house American families. A full three-fourths of these resources go to help subsidize the homes of the richest families through the mortgage interest deduction and other homeownership tax benefits. We spend about $11 billion each year to subsidize the houses of the top 1% . This means that we provide more housing assistance to help the richest 7 million households – who earn more than $200,000 a year – than to help the 55 million households…

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We know! Why Aren’t We Doing Something About It?

According to The Miami Times and the Wall Street Journal, we know there is an increasing rise in unaffordable housing. We know that the cost of homes are increasing so much that more and more families can no longer afford homes. It use to only affect the low income, but now it has crept into middle class. How far do we have to go before we find a solution.  When we get to the point where young doctors and lawyers can no longer afford homes; you know there is a problem. Click on magazines names for full articles. Even if…

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Read more about the article It’s About Time!
Image by DuctTape Prodigy

It’s About Time!

You're Worth It Foundation have been to many meetings and have been pushing the understanding that there are issues with housing. Many times the small person gets looked over, even if they have a viable solution to a state wide issue. For several years, the decline in affordable housing has increase over the past 9 years, since the market bubble. 33,502 homeless people in Florida alone, not including the unreported individuals. There are several things that need to happen for a change to be made. First, society has to admit there is a problem as columnist Daniella Pierre has placed in…

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It’s Our Fault!

According to the Department of Children and Family(DCF), there were 33,502 reported homeless adults for the year 2016. Of the 33,502 reported adults, 19,326 were males and 10,707 females. There were also 36 Transgender persons reported. Contrary to common belief, Black /African Americans do NOT receive more assistance from DCF and are not the most homeless. There are 11,491 Blacks/ African Americans reported as homeless and 17,080 Classified Whites that are homeless. According to the National Public Radio(NPR), there were over 71,000 homeless students in Florida. According to RealtyTrac, Florida has an average foreclosure rate of 0.08%, which is higher…

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