To All Christians

During our time of prayer; we brought to God all the things that are happening in the United States of America. The American debt to foreign private lenders(Romans 13:8     Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.. Proverbs 22:7     The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.). The constant killing of precious human lives (Leviticus 19:18 18 Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am…

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He Just Wants My Money!

     Contrary to what many Christians believe; not all Pastors want your money. Many Holy Spirit filled Pastors want you to get blessed and be a blessing. God requires us to give tithes. God will also tell us to give offerings. God also soften our hearts to help other people in need. The person might look like they have it all together from the outside, but we might not know what goes on "behind closed doors".     Satan can be very slick and conniving. Satan will tell you not to give your tithes because the Pastor doesn't need it. He will…

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Leviticus 25 Have you ever read a scripture and it came alive to you? You were not just reading it, but it leapt off the pages and became real; as real as the skin on your hands. As real as the clothes on your body. It became so real, it was supernatural. When we read Leviticus 25, it was an amazing, wonderful, supernatural revelation. It was ordered by God at the right season and right on time. We have lost many things in our lives because we were not ready for them. Many things have been stolen from us because…

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Selfish Me

           Go back to when you were younger;when you believed you were special and you could do anything. Go back to when you believed you could change the world for the better. No matter what your background or circumstances were, you felt you had to make a difference. Some of us were ostracized. Some of us were molested. Some of us were demoralized. Some of us were abducted. Some of us were abandoned. Some of us were unloved because our parents told us we were a mistake. Most of us were lied to. We were told you can't do that.…

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Now, Faith…

In Hebrews 11:1,"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." I had a dream about this scripture. I was in a church and my Pastor was speaking. He had the bible in his hand opened up and walking up and down the middle of the pews. He was sweating profusely and yelling the words from Hebrews 11:1. He was yelling," now, now, now, now, I said... now, now." I was sitting in a pew and watching him saying those words over and over. I realized something, the word now, means at that moment;…

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Without Prayer, I Can…

Without prayer, I can do nothing. I have been through some trying times since I made the decision to follow God. People see me as strange because I care so much for others. Some people feel like other people do not deserve the love we choose to give. But I am here to say we all deserve and need love as human beings. Without prayer, I would not know how to love others. Because without prayer, I wouldn't know how to love myself. I disliked so many things about myself. I didn't know why people said I was a nice…

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Come! Be Separate.

Colossians 1:12-14,"12 Giving thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light: 13 Who hath delivered us from the power of darkness, and hath translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son: 14 In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins:" God has knowingly and willingly taken us back into his kingdom, of his son Jesus Christ. Why knowingly... because he knew how weak we were and how we would fall repeatedly. But yet, willingly to love us through all our "issues" to send his…

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Read more about the article Are We Really Saved?
Crucify the Flesh

Are We Really Saved?

It has been brought up to my attention that many people in the church community have different beliefs about being saved. Some Christians believe, once they accept Jesus Christ into their lives, they are saved immediately. Those Christians, like me, believe that Jesus blood has washed the sins away and our names are written in the Lambs book of life. I was naïve to believe this was a consensus across the board for all Christians. Speaking to some Christians, I found out that some believe they are still working towards being saved. The scripture that is popularly used by these…

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Do I Really Trust You?

In the bible we see many scriptures about trusting and believing God. Having faith in God and knowing without a doubt that he hears our prayers and will answer them. If we say we believe in God; why is it so hard for us to trust him? If you have a digital bible; I want you to type in the search box, "trust", "believe", "faith" and read all those scriptures. We will find out that the blessings of God manifested in the natural, stems from the words above. Well, God has called me out as he has called many before…

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Enough Is Enough

Sometimes we have dreams. We want things to be different But, how will it be until we say… enough is enough! We want our lives to change. We want it to change for the better. But, how will it be until we say… enough is enough! We want our children to listen But, we reward them for doing bad. We ask ourselves, when they will change. When we say… enough is enough! We have hopes We hope for this and we hope for that When will our hopes become a reality? When we get off our behinds and say ……

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Imagine Me!

Imagine me... A child that was lost; who did not belong A child that was unsure of who I am Imagine me... A child formed from dust; filled with selfish desires A child that wanted everything now, now, now Imagine me... A child that was made fun of A child that belittled themselves Imagine me... A child who was yet in sin; non the less, called by God A child not only called, but made to stand Imagine me.... A child that is not only made to stand, but to stand for something A child standing for the kingdom of…

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Read more about the article Fully Armoured! part 2
Fully Armoured!

Fully Armoured! part 2

Armour of God Ephesians 6:13-17, continued. In part one of Fully Armoured, we covered : the loins of truth and the breast plate of righteousness. Let's continue to verse 15. Verse 15. Feet shod (wearing footgear) with the preparation (the action or process of making something ready for use or service, or getting ready for some occasion, task, or duty) of the gospel of peace. Always be ready with the gospel of peace everywhere we go. Satan will and influence others in our lives to attack us so we can give up our peace (sound mind).Loss of peace can lead us into holding unforgiveness towards…

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Read more about the article A Kingly Decree
King of kings and lord of lords

A Kingly Decree

Many Americans are not familiar with how kingdoms work. I was one of those Americans. I did not have a clue. But when I started reading the bible, and God gave me a revelation on how a kingdom is suppose to work; I was shocked and surprised. I was in other words, amazed! Kingdoms have ranks or levels of authorative rein. While reading about the different kings in the bible; I found out that when a decree was made by a king and his insignia was place on the decree, it could not be changed. When a decree was made,…

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Knowing Our Place

Ephesians 2:6 (KJV). "6 And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus:" I asked God. Why was the word "made" used in the verse above? That's a peculiar word to use. So, I looked in the Merriam Webster dictionary- someone has the right qualities to be or to do something. We have the right qualities to be or to do something. That is very interesting. Also, notice that made is in past tense. My natural follow up question to God; what are the right qualities? Ezekiel 36:26 (KJV). "26 A new heart…

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No More Pity Parties!

We all have friends that show concern for us when we go through difficult situations. And that can be a good thing... at times. Many times when we go through a difficult relationship; there are usually several kinds of people that try and console us. We have the people who gives us angry advice towards the other person. We have the people who cries with us and tell us they can't believe it. And then we have the ones that tell us, "forget that person, I never liked them in the first place." A lost of any kind can be…

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