I am to blame for slavery. Yes, it is my fault.

This post is a very controversial topic. Due to all the things that are going on in the world today; I feel like this is the best time to speak on this topic from the Holy Scriptures. Many people might not agree with what is written here and that is OK. The word of the Lord states to test every spirit. Behind everything, there IS a spirit.
1 John 4:1-5 King James Version (KJV)
4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
I find it very interesting that people try to pass blame on other people, the majority of the time. It is necessary sometimes to question what we have done in every situation. Was it the best decision? Did we think things through before we came up with certain conclusions. Not every situation you or I did something wrong, but we wouldn’t know if we don’t ask.I have been speaking to the Lord about this subject for about 3 years. I have looked over videos of our ancestors being degraded and humiliated, then finally killed.
Now that you are upset and want to immediately respond… Good, that’s where I want you. The Africans that were taken from Africa to all over the world are responsible for their own enslavement. The word of the Lord declares the wages of sin is Death (Romans 6:23). For anyone who knows what mostly goes on in the African culture knows that Africans are very spiritual. There are many witch doctors, necromancers, high priests and priestesses. Almost every tribe has one of these spiritual leaders. We freely and willingly go to these spiritual people for help.
Romans 6:23 King James Version (KJV)
23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.
After reading this far in; I am surprised when I hear my fellow brethren blame the “white” man for everything. REALLY!
Now, back to the topic at hand. Let us go back in history, more than 3,000 years ago. In the scriptures, we have read how the Israelites’ were delivered from Egypt after slavery of more than 400 years. There is something that God told the Israelites’ over and over. God told the Israelites’ to remember him when they enter the promise land. God told them to remember how he delivered them from bondage and did all the miracles for them in the wilderness. God told them to tell their children, so they will know what he did for them. When God says something over and over, please take heed to it. There are about 66 verses where God says to remember him. STOP! Now let’s think. Why would God say “remember” so many times? I will tell you why. Humans have a bad and repetitive tendency of doing stupid things.
There are so many times God saved the Israelite’s’ because they were stubborn and hard headed. They were not supposed to serve the gods of the Canaanites or even ask them how do they serve their false gods. But as we read the bible, we see that they did exactly what God said NOT to do. They only obeyed for a while and then they got complacent and assimilated into idol worshiping and demonic covenants. In order for God to save them, they had to be removed from area. It happened so many times, I can’t even site all the scriptures. If it wasn’t Babylon then Persia and on and on. So far I’ve only touched on scriptures. I am not even going to touch the holocaust with the concentration camps.

Question? Brethren, how many times do we have to go around this mountain. How many times brothers?
Slavery of Africans was about 1600’s-1900’s. From what we have read thus far; we should be seeing a pattern. When we turn from God, we basically end up in bondage and killed before our time. Now don’t get me wrong; the other people who enslaved us are not better than us. If we go back to the scriptures and look at some of the times the Israelites’ were enslaved; we see that God ended up destroying the people who enslaved his people. When everyone involved is ignorant and wrong; God steps in and everyone scatters.
One thing did happen when Israelites were enslaved, they remembered the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. When they remembered God and turned from their wicked ways, God heard their cry and delivered them.
So what happened on Black Wall Street in Greenwood, Oklahoma, a suburb of Tulsa. Remembering what we have already covered. We know that we have a tendency of repeating cycles. What happens when things are going good for us. We have seen through scriptures that we forget the God that got us there in the first place. Not only scriptures, but let us reflect back over our own lives.

From the image above we know that we are a flexible and adaptable people. No matter what life throws at us, we never decrease. We are always an increasing people. When people are blessed, you can not keep them down. If we go back to the scriptures. When the Israelites’ were still in Egypt, they increased. They increased more than their slave masters.
Exodus 1 King James Version (KJV)
7 And the children of Israel were fruitful, and increased abundantly, and multiplied, and waxed exceeding mighty; and the land was filled with them.
8 Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.
9 And he said unto his people, Behold, the people of the children of Israel are more and mightier than we:
Now, today I see my fellow brethren starting to repeat the same destructive behavior. Many people are falling away from God. And when they fall away; they go back to false gods and idol worship. Do you know how many Christians wear the symbol of Amun Ra somewhere on their persons. God delivered his people from Egypt, but we want to go back. Back in bondage. You look like the Israelites when they were complaining to Moses about taking them in the wilderness and eating manna. They wanted to go back in bondage.

They say the bible is used to keep the “black man” subservient. They say the bible is used for mind control. People will always say something. Test the spirit, is what I have to say. God himself says come and let’s reason together. God wants us to ask questions. I personally question God about everything. Let me tell you what should have happened in Africa.
Based on scriptures. Abraham and Lot (Abraham’s nephew) were rich and prosperous. But Chedorlaomer, and the other kings that were with him took Lot and all his family, with their riches. Guess what the word of the Lord declares,” though the weapon formed, it will not prosper”. Abraham was not only able to get Lot back with his riches; he also took the other peoples riches. So, he got double for his trouble.
Isaiah 54:17 King James Version (KJV)
17 No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is of me, saith the Lord
OK, we have one example above. One of many examples from the Holy scriptures. Remember we have not even mentioned God fighting for the Israelites in the promised land. We did not even cover the favor of them in the book of Ezra in rebuilding the temple. Keeping this additional information in mind; let’s ask a question.
What would it possibly look like if our African ancestors clung to God?
It would have turned out very different, if they didn’t fall away from God. The scripture above let’s us know that things will come up against us, but it is God’s promise that it will not succeed. We have a choice to make here. Either God is a liar or we are liars. Which do you pick? I for one pick the latter. Stop listening to every things that tickles your ears. You are more wise than that people of God.
I am the reason for slavery!
Now I know what the problem is, I am able to bring it to my Father in pray. I am ready to claim total freedom through the finished work of Jesus Christ, the Lord of my life. Amen!!!