Have We Lost Our Head?

Ephesians 5:23 ." For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body." (KJV) There are a couple of things to take note of in this verse. 1. The husband is supposed to be the head of the wife. 2. A comparative is being made between the husband and Christ. 3. Christ is the head of the church. (Not to start getting too deep, I will stick with only the 3 listed above.) Wow... wow, this is some powerful stuff here. Personally, I have never…

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If Someone Prayed In the White House

If someone prayed in the White House, We would have a leader like David. Who was strong and fearless. If someone prayed in the White House, We would have a Secretary of Defense like Daniel. Who was quick, intelligent and foresaw disasters. If someone prayed in the White House, We would have a Department of Treasury like Solomon. Who was good with money and new exactly what and when to invest. If someone prayed in the White House, We would have a Vice President like Elisha. Who was trustworthy , faithful, and driven. IF we... IF we... If we were…

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Speak No Good.

In Acts 4:18 reads, " And they called them, and commanded them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of Jesus." The bible also has that the things we face are common to us. (1 Corinthians 10:13) At first these two scriptures appear to not have anything in common. First of all, it is very common to have people who blasphemes, curse, belittle, ignore, and call the name of Jesus in vain. These people will be around until Christ returns. There also will be people who force believers of Jesus Christ to not speak of him. Satan…

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Barely Slipping By?

Most Christians know Romans 10:9, " That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved." Sometimes we take this verse and twist it into meaning something else. What do I mean by this statement, you might ask? I was speaking to someone I knew for a little while. He was telling me all the things he wants to do in life. Some of the things he said, made me ask him if he was saved. Well, he told me he…

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Read more about the article Exposing Satan for One of His Many Lies.
Shhhh. If it's not nice, I don't want to hear it.

Exposing Satan for One of His Many Lies.

Most of us know this very popular phrase. " Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me" Satan can be very clever. He will say some truth but there is always going to be lies mixed in. The fact is, sticks and stones may break our bones. But, here is the lie right behind the fact stated in the above phrase. Words will definitely hurt us. Some people might say, " I don't care what people say about me. It doesn't bother me at all." And if that is you, that's great. But words can…

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Read more about the article Am I A Fool?
Am I a Fool?

Am I A Fool?

What is a fool?  "a person who lacks good sense or judgment : a stupid or silly person" (according to the Merriam Webster dictionary) Synonyms for fool. "berk [British], booby, charlie (also charley) [British], cuckoo, ding-a-ling, dingbat, ding-dong, dipstick, doofus [slang], featherhead, git [British], goose, half-wit, jackass, lunatic, mooncalf, nincompoop, ninny, ninnyhammer, nit [chiefly British], nitwit, nut, nutcase, simp, simpleton, turkey, yo-yo" According to the Strong's Concordance in Greek 3474 mōrós (the root of the English terms, "moron, moronic") – properly, dull (insipid), flat ("without an edge"); (figuratively) "mentally inert"; dull in understanding; nonsensical ("moronic"), lacking a grip on reality…

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Who Else?

Who else has loved me when I hated him and turned my back on him. Who else has loved me when I cursed his name for allowing my baby to die. Who else spoke to my heart to call me back home when I hated him. Who else has brought me to life when I was dying inside. Who else has put joy and peace in my heart when my mother passed away. Oh, the peace and the joy you give is like no other I have ever felt before now. Who else has strengthened me when I felt like…

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If It’s Meant To Be?

Many people say that if you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. Well, that might be true in some instances, but not all the time. This has happened to me. I tell facts about my life because I am passionate about helping women and young girls. I was in a relationship with a man. I was not saved at that time. I did not have a close relationship with God. I was unhappy with this man. I spoke with this man over and over about what would make me happy. He…

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Is He Worth It?

At some point in our lives women; we have to come to this point in our relationships. When we ask ourselves, " Is he worth it?"  Is he worth the sleepless nights? Is he worth the tears most of the time? Is he worth my joy? Is he worth my peace? Is he worth more than my family? Is he worth my health? And more importantly, is he worth my relationship with my father God through Jesus Christ? At a point in my life when I recommitted myself to God through Jesus Christ; I had to ask myself these questions.…

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Read more about the article Am I Really Over It?
Jocelyn Kirsten

Am I Really Over It?

Through a relationship with God, he lets me know things that I should address. In this post I want to address lost. First of all God can comfort everyone who ask, seek and knock. After all, he sent the Holy Spirit to give us power and comfort us. I love using my life as a testimony of how awesome God is through Jesus Christ. I had a daughter. Her name was Jocelyn. She passed away when she was around 2 months old. There was a point in time when I was very sick. Jocelyn, my daughter was also born sick.…

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No Compromise

I was talking to my father ( God). I asked him. Why do we as children, have a good idea of what me want in a man when we grow up? But then, something happens, we lose or we forget what we want. I don't know if situations or relationship experienced or learned, that makes us change. Maybe it's the fact that we sometimes get so desperate, that we take anything, just to say we are married. Many of our children notice the things some famous people are doing. Some of the famous people are not good examples for our kids, women...…

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The Blessings of the Lord

Matthew 14:13-17 and Matthew 15:32-38, Jesus feeds the multitudes. In  2 Kings 4:2 God multiplies the little to make much. What does these scriptures have in common? These scriptures are about God as our provider (Jehovah Jireh). Take some time and read these scriptures because they will help you to better understand what I'm about to write. God knows exactly what we are in need of. He not only provides enough for us, but also to bless others. Our Lord Jesus Christ not only feed the multitudes in the new testament, but he also picked up the left over and…

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No Condemnation

I want to focus today on Romans 8:1 women and girls. This verse states " There is therefore now NO condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk no after the flesh, but after the spirit". This verse women and girls says something very important for us. For all of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as our personal Lord and Savior, by believing and confessing Jesus Christ is the one and only son of God and he rose from the dead and sits on the right hand of God. If we live by the spirit which is…

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I AM that I AM part 3

Jehovah Rapha (The Lord who heals). There are many instances in the bible where God healed us. Most of us have testimonies where God healed us from some kind of illness. I would like us to share with each other some of those healing testimonies. God healed me many times, but the time when I gave up on myself in the past was one of the most significant for me. In 2009, I was pregnant and had a huge blood clot in my leg that went all the way up in my abdomen region from my upper calf. I also had…

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I AM that I AM part 2

Part 2 Jehovah Nissi Getting back to Exodus 3:13-14, God told Moses, tell them" I am that I am" sent you. That simple phrase is amazing and wonderful. Jehovah Nissi means the Lord our Banner. Ok, what exactly does that mean for us, women and girls. The bible states, we battle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, ruling spirits of the darkness of this world, spiritual wickedness in high places (devil and his demons). Jesus Christ is the King of heavens armies. Stop trying to fight things on our own. We have someone that is willing and…

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