About Us


Our Why

These are the questions we will answer for you. Who are we? What do we do? Where are we targeting? When do we expect change? Why now? How are we going to bring about this change?

First of all, I want to thank you for taking time out of your busy lives to read You’re Worth It Foundations Letter of transparency. Our goal is to let our partners know; what we do. We meaning, you’re included. We can not make changes by ourselves. It takes a team to make this kind of change, we are about to tell you about.

Who are we? You’re Worth it Foundation Inc is a low income housing strategy company. We are a team of experienced and motivated individuals who have seen a need for change in the low and middle class housing communities, as it pertains to affordable housing. We are a faith based company. Which means, we do many things different from conventional corporations.  We are all Christians and we believe that it is good to pray, but faith without works is dead (James 2:17). We believe you have to be involved if change is to happen. Even though we are Christians; we help all people from every denomination, gender and race. We believe everyone has the right to a quality home. We believe every family should be given a chance to own a home. Yes, even families that make minimum wage. There has to be a person/ persons that is willing to take a risk so families can have a place to call their own.

What do we do? You’re Worth It Foundation Inc place qualifying families into quality homes.  A qualifying family, is a family that is ready for change. Though eight years of research, we’ve realized that not only are wages to low for the cost of living; but for a normal life. Families will have to take certain strategic teaching to help them get out of poverty mentally first. A family should have at least one full time working parent or guardian.  Also included, are grandparents with fixed and steady incomes. Also included, are single parent families that are on government assistance. In order for families to qualify, they will have to take a budgeting/ finance class. We have realized that many of us do not know how to budget properly, for our income. Of course, due to rising prices in cost of living; we have to be very creative to help these families, who will in turn become partners. We operate by donations. Which includes vacant, abandoned homes and monetary donations. We want everyone to qualify that needs a home.

Where are we targeting?  Since 2014, we have been targeting Miami Dade, Broward, and West Palm Beach areas. We accept vacant and abandoned homes and cash/credit. We accept homes that are inherited and homes individuals just do not want to be bothered with. We help low and middle class families. The middle class working family is quickly becoming the new low class, according to the US Census Bureau. The above counties in Florida, are just the beginning.  We intend and aim to be worldwide. According to our 20 year projected strategic plan, it is not only feasible but attainable.

When do we expect change? Change has to happen starting now because housing needs are getting deplorable and expensive, for the low class. Where others want profits; we want lives changed and legacies left behind. 


Why now? The better question is, if not now, then when? When will we get to the point when enough is enough? When will be get to the point when we figure out money can not make us truly happy? What makes us happy is putting smiles on other families faces. Seeing that small child see their first bedroom without rats and roaches. Seeing those tears in a parents eyes; knowing they made the first steps to owning a new home that they can pass down to their children. Hearing those words,” They told me I will never own a home.” That’s why NOW.

How are we going to bring about change and how does it work? First it starts with you and us partnering up. Financial teaching and budgeting is done with all families. Looking for better jobs are also needed, with help from us. Learning proper “house keeping” techniques are also thought. We attain the vacant/ abandoned homes. We fix up the homes and get rid of infestations.  We place the pictures and videos of the homes on our site for families to view. Several families might  be interested in the same home. First parent/ guardian that has proper documents, will be the first in line. The qualifying parent or guardian does the budgeting/ finance classes and present the completed certificate to us. We go by 30% of the parent or guardian’s gross monthly income. The parent or guardian pays a down payment  ( which is at least the first two months) based on their income.

Example only: minimum wage ($12)*40 hours/week=$480/week*4 weeks=$1,920/month*30%=$560/month.

Based on the formula above the parent/guardian  can only afford $560 per month. And that is what they will be paying every month until the house is paid off or a change in their income occurs. If a change happens, the formula will be done all over again. Now, the next question you might ask is why are they paying for the house every month, if we are also getting donations monetarily. There are several reasons why our families are paying every month.

When the families pay every month, they are helping to purchase and fix the home for the next family wanting a home. They are now partners with us and helping us to make changes in the housing sector. They are taking control of their budget and being an active part of their home buying experience. They are helping us put together the next event, so we can help more people. Sometimes people own homes they don’t want, but they still don’t want to part with it, even if it can help someone else. We want to be in a position to possibly purchase that home for pennies on the dollar.

The next question might be , how do we cover damage, insurance and taxes. That is where we get our funds together. Your donations help cover those types of costs. We want everyone to be able to own a house. In the United States there should be no families in shelters. Let’s change the world. Let’s teach our kids to care for more than themselves. We believe all things are possible to them than believe.

We believe you are ready to take action . We believe you are ready to see change. We believe change starts with one family at a time. We believe we can do this together.

To ask specific questions email us here.


Miami Dade College

Housing Families Through Your Help and Donations. Help a Family Today.