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Carl Lumholtz: Tarahumara Woman Being Weighed, Barranca de San Carlos (Sinforosa), Chihuahua, 1892; from Among Unknown Tribes: Rediscovering the Photographs of Explorer Carl Lumholtz. The book includes essays by Bill Broyles, Ann Christine Eek, and others, and is published by the University of Texas Press.

#Black Lives Matter

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I am to blame for slavery. Yes, it is my fault. This post is a very controversial topic. Due to all the things that are going on in the world today; I feel like this is the best time to speak on this topic from the Holy Scriptures. Many people might not agree with what is written here and that is OK. The word of the Lord states to test every spirit. Behind everything, there IS a spirit. 1 John 4:1-5 King James Version (KJV) 4 Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many…

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Prophetic Dream From The Lord

Above: Example of one of The Demons Hands The other day as I was out with my daughter doing some errands; I fell asleep in the garage of a building. I was taken immediately into a night vision. I will try my best to explain what I saw. In the dream, I was in a parking garage with my sister and my dad. It was like we'd just finished shopping. At the same time as I was going into the vehicle. I saw President Donald Trump. President Trump looked like he was behind a podium. He was speaking and I…

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Read more about the article A New Thing.
Prehistoric Man Learning Using Fire To Cook His Food Clipart

A New Thing.

From one of my study sessions; I have realized that we have a tendency to put God in a box. We limit the move of God in our lives. God wants to blow our minds in this season. God told me that he is doing a new thing, but we try to limit his hand. Our thoughts are not his thoughts. Our expectations tend to be small compared to where God wants us to be. This is the season of Jubilee and in order for our minds to be blown; as God has promised,  we have to come to God with expectation…

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Now, Faith…

In Hebrews 11:1,"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." I had a dream about this scripture. I was in a church and my Pastor was speaking. He had the bible in his hand opened up and walking up and down the middle of the pews. He was sweating profusely and yelling the words from Hebrews 11:1. He was yelling," now, now, now, now, I said... now, now." I was sitting in a pew and watching him saying those words over and over. I realized something, the word now, means at that moment;…

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Calling All Investors

Calling All Developers FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF SINGLE-FAMILY HOMES, TWIN HOMES ON CITY OF MIAMI OWNED SITES Via Request for Proposals (RFP) HCD 2021-03, to be issued on Thursday, April 1, 2021, 9 a.m., the City of Miami Department of Housing and Community Development is seeking proposals from qualified applicants (architect/contractor or a team of both) intending to build single-family homes or twin homes on specific City-owned parcels. All of the City owned (vacant) sites included as part of the RFP will be provided “as is” by the City. Please see the RFP for full details. The City reserves the…

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All Things Work For The Good…Over a month ago, I took my daughter to the Dollar Tree. She bought a chap-stick. Well, unbeknownst to me; while at church, I used said chap-stick. My lips started feeling itchy. I didn’t pay attention. While engaged in the sermon by Apostle Leroy McDowell, I did want to miss anything. I did not realize that the itchy feeling was actually my skin burning. My lips turned black, mostly lower lip. I put Vaseline on it, but I was not comfortable with the Vaseline. I tend to lick my lips often, so I was basically…

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Asher’s Miracle

The miracle for Asher. It was early morning about three days ago. After my normal morning walks; I let the dogs out to have some grass time in the front yard. As usual our brown dog Duke went sniffing around and marking his territory. Asher went around investigating our neighbors grass across the street. Asher was born a normal dog but when he was younger he had seizures that caused him to be very hyper and have some difficulty seeing. He bumps up a lot into items and things. Asher is attracted to the light. This morning started like any…

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Get your identity back!

Hello, welcome to You're Worth It Foundation Inc. We are a nonprofit, faith-based organization. You're here because you probably saw this post on social media. Thank you for visiting us. That's right! You can get your identification cards back. Having been a homeless person myself and being around other homeless individuals, I have found out something. Many homeless people have lost their identification cards in Florida. If you have ever gone to get a new Florida ID, you have noticed that they either need your previous ID. Or they will ask you for the original birth certificate and other identifying…

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In the church there has been some teachings about footstools. It is very good that we are teaching about footstools in church so we can understand our place and authority in God through Christ Jesus. The word of the Lord declares, we perish due to lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6). To long has it been since the Apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ, that we do not establish the kingdom of God on the earth. The problem, there's confusion in the church about the footstool. I've heard some ministers give words of encouragement to the church saying; that friend or…

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Paid In Full

Hey everyone, this is going to be a short post. But, I think people need to hear this, today. Satan tried to cash you in, but God said," Your check is no good here." While I was thinking about some things in my life; I remembered how God saved me through my mother's prayers. Many years ago, I was in an ungodly relationship. I was in sin. I was in a relationship with a man; I was not married to. I know the way life is now people do not see a problem with that. With God there is a…

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Harvest Time

In September 2018, as I was spending time with God, he told me something. God told me two things. First thing was, this is the time of harvest. The second thing, take communion. There is something we have to remember, when God gives us a word. Mark 4 King James Version (KJV) 14 The sower soweth the word.15 And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts. We have to remember that Satan comes immediately to take the word that…

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Read more about the article Am I Saved?
King of kings and lord of lords

Am I Saved?

There has sadly been misinformation going around the church. Information about salvation is getting watered down. I have heard a couple of ministers telling "babes in Christ" that once they accept Jesus Christ, they are always saved no matter what. Why is this a problem? Let's start with Judas Iscariot. Judas was a disciple of Jesus Christ for about 3 years. Yet he turned from Jesus for 30 pieces of silver. What does Jesus say in Matthew? Matthew 26:24 "The Son of Man is to go, just as it is written of Him; but woe to that man by whom…

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Good Soil

Jesus speaks many times in the scriptures about farmers and sowing. For this post, title scripture is Matthew chapter 13. From the scripture quote below, we see that Jesus gave the parable first in verse 8 and then explains it in verse 23. For the sake of time and length, we are covering "Good Soil". 3 And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;4 And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up:5 Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth:…

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Are We Really Equal?

The first question that has to be asked is; what does equal mean? Definition below by e·qual/ˈēkwəl/adjectiveadjective: equal 1.being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value."add equal amounts of water and flour"synonyms:identical, uniform, alike, like, the same, one and the same, equivalent, indistinguishable; Moreantonyms:unequal, different, more than, less than(of people) having the same status, rights, or opportunities.uniform in application or effect; without discrimination on any grounds."a dedicated campaigner for equal rights"synonyms:unbiased, impartial, nonpartisan, fair, fair-minded, just, even-handed, equitable;Moreantonyms:unequal, discriminatoryevenly or fairly balanced."it was hardly an equal contest"synonyms:evenly matched, evenly balanced, even, balanced, level, evenly proportioned, well matched, on a par, on an equal footing; Moreantonyms:uneven, unequal2.having the ability or resources to meet (a challenge)."the players proved equal to the task"synonyms:capable of, fit for, up to, good/strong enough for, adequate for, sufficient for, ready for;More…

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Many times we seek control over situations in our lives. It is good that we want to do things in our lives. We have aspirations and goals. We enjoy seeing a task or job completed. We get a feeling of satisfaction from completing things. But, what happens when the thing we want most seems so big and so vast that we become overwhelmed? What happens when we have done everything we can think of and see no progress? What happens when we run out of solutions? What happens if it's simply just not working out? There is an answer to…

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Too Much Baggage

1 Peter 5:7 King James Version (KJV) 7 Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you. Psalm 55:22 (KJV)  Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved. Proverbs 16:3 King James Version (KJV) 3 Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. Philippians 4:6-7 New King James Version (NKJV) 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Matthew…

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Are You Deceived?

I use to be the type of person; when people from the kingdom of darkness came to me in the spiritual realm, I use to try and destroy them. I know. I know. I am not alone in this area. You are probably like I was. Thank God for directing you to this post and site. Many Christians are thought from the old testament, in this aspect. You know when it say an eye for an eye type of thinking. I was that person also. Until my pastor Leroy McDowell, explained to me from a logical stand point. What I…

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Patience and Trust

Before I started writing this post, I went back to read one of my other posts about trust. I have been leaning on God for several years now. God have asked me to trust in him in all things. Well, after several years now being saved and Holy Spirit filled; flesh still fights against the Spirit. Do to the fact that I have been self reliant for such a long time, I found that I struggled daily with trust and patience. Just to let you know that patience (waiting on God) is part of trusting him. Now I was not…

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